Autistic children who are started on an antibiotic regimen of whatever sort, report marked improvements in language, behavior and cognizance. In most cases those subjects revert to former behavior within two weeks of stopping the antibiotic.
Prior to Marshall’s discoveries, adult ulcer sufferers simply drank milk and ate strawberries (two most common treatments). Strawberries and Milk/Cheeses have long been used to alleviate symptoms of ulcers.
All of the adult ulcer-sufferers tested for allergens were positive for wheat and corn (among others).
After those adult sufferers were made aware of Marshall’s discovery, ALL of those treated lost their allergies to wheat and corn within one year. Some within two weeks, some up to one year, but 100% were allergy-free within one year.
The rate of children developing ASD is one per 91. In 1996, that was 1 in 1918.
The estimated number of the population currently positive for H.Pylori is one in 31
The rate of children of engineers developing ASD is one per 55. The number one occupation for ulcers is engineer.
Most Autistic children display frequent symptoms of stomach pain. Often this is relieved by drinking milk or some sort of bismuth.
Most Autistic children are allergic to wheat and corn. From what I can tell this number is 100% of those tested.
The dominant protein in H.Pylori is almost identical, structurally, to that in wheat and corn.
The dominant protein in H.Pylori is almost identical, structurally, to that in Blastocystis.
The dominant protein in H.Pylori is almost identical, structurally, to that necessary to the brain to form synaptic connections.